Сотрудничество с дизайнерами и архитекторами

Services and service:

  • Full or partial packaging and decorating of any premises with furniture, light, accessories, etc.;
  • Direct supplies of interior items from leading European and American manufacturers;
  • Consultations by our showroom specialists having a many years' experience of work;
  • Services of our own sewing manufacture;
  • Butler service (special care of interior items made of original materials, decor renovation, installation of additional equipment, dry-cleaning of portieres and household textiles, restoration of pieces of furniture, etc.)

Furniture from europe and america available

In our salon there are always furniture, light, accessories, bathroom equipment for full packaging of living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, studies, dining rooms, and children's rooms. If you need to quickly find furniture and accessories for an interior decoration project, the available ready-made ones can be the best solution in such a situation. In our warehouse and exposition there are more than 1000 models of furniture, lamps, accessories for interior decoration. The prices for the available furniture are much lower than the cost of the furniture made to order.

In our interior gallery you can use a library (which is the largest in Russia) of catalogues of furniture and interior producers as well as samples of fabrics, wallpapers, wood, marble and other finishing materials. We invite architects and designers to cooperation. Special cooperation conditions for architectural and design bureaus.